Yes, it is! It's fun and relaxing and very simple. It's so EASY - we discuss your goals and what you would like to experience and achieve. Then you sit in a comfy chair while I guide you, through various imagery and scenarios, to a profound state of relaxation. It is not sleep, and you are always in charge! As you relax, we can do a number of things - we can explore different times and dimensions, or we can consider a problem that you might have and how to view and react to it differently. Your mind has been programmed to think in certain ways from babyhood...by parents...by teachers...by media...and by YOU - but you have the power to change the automatic way you react to situations, issues and people....by re-programming your unconscious....which is where the power of your own mind REALLY lives! As a wise man said...."there is nothing good nor bad, but thinking makes it so". Our lives are the creation of our minds - change your mind and change yourself!
Hypnosis for Individuals & Groups
Here are some of my regular offerings. I frequently emphasize the use of hypnosis...or guided imagery and meditation....in achieving spiritual goals. But hypnosis is useful for so many issues from pain management to phobias to changing habits. If you are interested in exploring a topic, please contact me.
In my intuitive consultations, I frequently recommend self hypnosis via scripts I email to my clients to help them resolve issues through the meditative process. Please let me know if you are particularly interested in this service.
I will be developing group hypnosis classes as well, so stay tuned!
Past Life Regressions
Have you ever felt that you've known someone BEFORE? Been someplace BEFORE? Done something BEFORE? It's very common, and one of the main reasons is that you could be accessing a past life or two! Reincarnation is a widely held belief throughout the world, and has been probably...well, since there were people. And a past...
I believe in reincarnation....but you don't have to! Even people who DON'T believe in reincarnation will generally relay other kinds of lives (even if one calls them fantasies) under hypnosis. These experiences are always meaningful as they shed light on what makes you tick, deep inside.
A past life regression can be an enjoyable, fascinating and enlightening experience as it can help explain feelings and thoughts and relationships which are hard to explain otherwise, such as why you can't get over a lost love, or why someone makes you so mad! But it can ALSO have practical benefits as often physical and psychological problems (such as phobias) can have their roots in past life events, and sometimes disappear when the original cause is revealed.
Relaxation and Reduction of Stress
I believe that much of the disease and physical and mental problems in our lives begin with an inability to handle the pressures of life....commonly called STRESS. Doesn't the word itself just sum up all the sense of pressure that you carry around within you? It keeps you from sleeping, makes you over-eat, bark at the kids, and sometimes afraid to do those things you'd really like to. Learning to relax with hypnosis can help you to finally manage and tame the beast of stress, and put it back in that cage where it belongs! You were meant to be happy and relaxed and confident. It's your birthright! Learning to manage your feelings of tension and letting them melt away will help you to achieve a higher quality of life!
Meet Your Guides
There are people who love you and want to help you that you've never met! Maybe they've been "assigned" to you...and maybe they've known you before. Maybe some of them are even related to you in some manner....
Meeting Your Guides with hypnosis enables you to achieve contact - and continue it on your own if you wish - with those people, angels, guides, masters and relatives, who really do look out for you and would like to provide you with guidance and advice. Why not take the first step towards re-newing your acquaintance NOW!
In my intuitive consultations, I frequently recommend self hypnosis via scripts I email to my clients to help them resolve issues through the meditative process. Please let me know if you are particularly interested in this service.
I will be developing group hypnosis classes as well, so stay tuned!
Past Life Regressions
Have you ever felt that you've known someone BEFORE? Been someplace BEFORE? Done something BEFORE? It's very common, and one of the main reasons is that you could be accessing a past life or two! Reincarnation is a widely held belief throughout the world, and has been probably...well, since there were people. And a past...
I believe in reincarnation....but you don't have to! Even people who DON'T believe in reincarnation will generally relay other kinds of lives (even if one calls them fantasies) under hypnosis. These experiences are always meaningful as they shed light on what makes you tick, deep inside.
A past life regression can be an enjoyable, fascinating and enlightening experience as it can help explain feelings and thoughts and relationships which are hard to explain otherwise, such as why you can't get over a lost love, or why someone makes you so mad! But it can ALSO have practical benefits as often physical and psychological problems (such as phobias) can have their roots in past life events, and sometimes disappear when the original cause is revealed.
Relaxation and Reduction of Stress
I believe that much of the disease and physical and mental problems in our lives begin with an inability to handle the pressures of life....commonly called STRESS. Doesn't the word itself just sum up all the sense of pressure that you carry around within you? It keeps you from sleeping, makes you over-eat, bark at the kids, and sometimes afraid to do those things you'd really like to. Learning to relax with hypnosis can help you to finally manage and tame the beast of stress, and put it back in that cage where it belongs! You were meant to be happy and relaxed and confident. It's your birthright! Learning to manage your feelings of tension and letting them melt away will help you to achieve a higher quality of life!
Meet Your Guides
There are people who love you and want to help you that you've never met! Maybe they've been "assigned" to you...and maybe they've known you before. Maybe some of them are even related to you in some manner....
Meeting Your Guides with hypnosis enables you to achieve contact - and continue it on your own if you wish - with those people, angels, guides, masters and relatives, who really do look out for you and would like to provide you with guidance and advice. Why not take the first step towards re-newing your acquaintance NOW!